a writer's block party

because sometimes I just can't turn the words off in my head...even if the words aren't for the next great american novel.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Feng Shui of My Mind...

Recently I have felt like a woman possessed. I have moved bookshelves and beds to clean baseboards. I have taken dozens (and dozens) of bags and boxes to the Goodwill. I have organized my toolbox. I have separated marbles, shells and buttons into cute glass jars. I have painted. I have scrubbed. I have tried on every skirt, jacket and pair of pants (mostly black) in my closet to make sure they still fit. And while I was in there, I colorized the entire closet. I have redecorated both of the girls' rooms. I have cleaned under sinks, beds and couches. I have cleared the clutter out of everything in sight...and it feels good.

I have been suffocating under junk and clutter. Everywhere I looked in my house...all I saw was clutter. School papers. Works of art. Magazines. Shopping bags. Laundry. During this past winter, I thought I lost a few pairs of jeans and a few turtlenecks (Lost? Like where would they have gone, Rose?), so I simply went out and bought some more. Here's the thing. While I was cleaning, I found the 2 pairs of missing jeans and the three turtlenecks neatly folded in a laundry basket under some curling ribbon, two full GAP shopping bags and a of all things? A BEACH BALL.


And of course, I only found weak excuses why not to take care of it. Too busy. Too late. Too many cookies to bake. And it got worst. And my excuses got more creative. Uh, I need to pretend to be a freelance writer. Oh, my heart got broken, how can I expect to declutter my house now? Lots of excuses. Lots of denial.

But I knew the day that my girls got on the airplane headed to Texas, that it would be show time.

Show time.

And here I am, exhausted, proud and happy. The days have rolled by effortlessly...all 35 of them with 8 more to go.

Finally, after all of this time of clutter and excuses, it's now done. Done. It's done. Done. And I have to admit, it is marvelous. But the best part? I realize that my house and I are BOTH truly amazing. Renewed. Clean. Complete. Organized. Balanced.

And life is definitely good.


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