a writer's block party

because sometimes I just can't turn the words off in my head...even if the words aren't for the next great american novel.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Lives In the Balance

Sure, I stole that title from Jackson Browne, so sue me.

The girls came home (after 44 days in Dallas) LATE Monday night (Happy Birthday to me, eh? What a great gift.) and life is good. They are home. They are home. They are home. Yippee. Yippee. Yipeee.

Isn't it funny how absence, does in fact, make the heart grow fonder?

And since they have been home, I realized here's what I missed.

Voices at 6:30 in the morning

The way C feeds Abbey water with a baby bottle.

The smell of N's hair.

Making chicken noodle soup for C.

Holding hands.

Singing 'We've Only Just Begun' at night. Twice.

That ridiculous show "Fairly Odd Parents" (seriously, what's up with that show?)

Nothin' But Nacho goldfish.

Kid shoes in the hallway (okay, so this one will wear off soon...)

Watching them sleep.

C's glasses.

N's smile.

Painting little fingernails.


Smell markers.

Chicken picata.

Sing song voices.

And a million other things. Ah, even though I LOVED my 44 days alone. (loved, loved, loved it)Life certainly feels more balanced now.

Ain't motherhood grand?


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