a writer's block party

because sometimes I just can't turn the words off in my head...even if the words aren't for the next great american novel.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Seven Day Itch...

I have been in a miserable mood. Okay, so the mosquito bites all over my legs and arms aren't helping. I look like a chicken pox victim. And with the calamine lotion all over me? Incredibly fashionable. I know I have always been a favorite of the mosquito. Maybe it's my dark skin? My sweet personality? Whatever it is, the damn mosquitos love me. And they have eaten me up alive. And that's part of what is making me miserable.

The other part? I am frustrated. Frustrated and itchy. I didn't think that NOT getting the job would bother me this much. But something is really getting to me. Who knows. But now I need to figure out what I want to do this fall. See, here's the thing. I don't have any other friends whose husbands' are the presidents of cool ad agencies. Damn. So I am out on my own trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow up. Boo hoo.


Oh, and it's raining. Cats and dogs type of rain. Raining. Pouring. The old man is snoring type of rain.

Ick. It's one of those days that you would like to keep the covers over you head and sleep until noon. Stay in your pajamas. Don't answer the phone. Drink a Coke with crushed ice. Flip through a People magazine.

But the reality of it is...I kicked the covers off and was up at 6:30am with Charlotte. I am roasting a chicken. (Apparently, misery loves company AND a roasted chicken) I baked a caramel cake for the school Meet and Greet thing. And we were home from the grocery store by 10:00am. Sigh.

Itchy. Frustrated. Raining.

I know what I need to do (I always do. The curse of having lots of years of therapy), but I don't feel like doing it. I want to sit here, listen to the rain, not think about gainful employment and scratch like crazy.

Damn it feels good.

I will give myself 7 days to feel this lousy. (Usually after 7 days it might develop into a habit and then we all know it takes 21 days to break it...21 days and 12 Steps.) So. Only 7 days to feel this miserable.

And then? Then another day. Another blog.


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