We Will Remember...
She died. My friend, Katy, she died this week. She was the friend with all of the different cancers. She was the friend who survived for an amazing 15 months after being diagnosed. She was the friend whose daughter is one of Natalie's best friends. She is the friend who I loved.
The memorial service is today at 4:00pm. Natalie and I are going. We have to get there early because I have a feeling the church will be overflowing with people also wanting to say goodbye to their beloved Katy. The memorial service is today...and it's raining.
Last night Natalie and I started talking about the things we will remember about our dear friend, Katy.
So far this is what we have come up with...I am sure in the next few weeks, days, months and even years....we will continue to remember more about our friend, Katy.
By Rose & Natalie
Natalie will remember Katy at the Gator Park last summer eating a hamburger. It was a terrible looking, grayish burger sealed in a plastic bag, fresh out of the microwave. Katy tried to make it taste (look?) better with a little catsup and mustard, but alas, she ended up unceremoniously spitting it out in the trash…after, of course a polite “Excuse me”.
I will remember that Katy made special spinach quiches… just for Natalie.
I will remember once when Katy was over…she asked me what I was doing. When I told her I was making gravy, she look surprised and said she had never made it from scratch. We laughed because as it turned out, I was more of a Southern Belle then she was…
Natalie will remember Katy getting up at midnight to get the girls (at one of the numerous sleepovers) some rocky road ice cream, because apparently, a sleepy Auntie said ‘No, its late girls go back to bed…’
I will remember Katy getting so excited over Kim’s plant and barbecue sale at her school. I am sure it had some official name, but I don't know what it is; all I know is that Katy loved that event.
I will remember Katy for being the light. Some people have the light. Most people are lucky enough to gravitate towards it. Katy, she was the light. And not only was SHE the light, but also guided people towards goodness and light for themselves. Most of the time without them even knowing it.
I will remember Katy calling me on Saturday mornings asking ‘What’s Natalie doing today? Does she want to go to Jeepers with us?’ Well, duh. And of course, Natalie was usually ready by the time I hung up the phone. I wonder if Katy did that, knowing I really needed a break.
I remember one Valentine’s Day, I actually had a date (miracles DO happen)…I remember Katy watched the girls for me while I had dinner at Sal’s. But in the end, Katy turned out to be my real Valentine.
I remember one rainy and cold night, as I was picking up the girls from Katy’s house; Abbey (our Boston Terrier) locked me out of the car (while it was running). Katy was so worried about how I was going to get back in the car. But I assured her that our highly intelligent (and well trained) dog could unlock it for us, since she was the one that locked it in the first place. 5 minutes later, after many ‘Abbey, shake, Abbey shake, Abbey shake’ (thus making her paw go up and down on the lock), voila, Abbey unlocked the car! I will remember that all of us laughed for another 5 minutes in pouring rain.
I will remember Katy and her courage, strength and determination.
Natalie will remember Katy for taking her and Kimberly to see the movie “National Treasure”…first, the box office staff gave Katy a difficult time for using some sort of pass, next, a few minutes into the movie, Katy realized the movie was grossly inappropriate for the girls and FINALLY, she demanded her money (pass) back from the box office. Natalie and Kimberly thought the whole experience was hilarious in a 9 year old way…
I will remember Katy and the one time Natalie got on the wrong bus going to their house after school. Katy called me at work, terrified that I would angry. Angry? Never. And of course, we ended up laughing about it in the end.
I will remember Katy because she loved me for exactly who I am…wicked sarcastic streak and all.
I will remember one of the first times we took Kimberly out to dinner, and Katy tried to give me money for Kimberly’s dinner. I told her that with us (Katy-Rose), we shall never keep track of who pays for what, when and how. We were like family, no one keeps score. She agreed.
I will remember the time Katy and I promised each other we would never say “Are you sure?” Especially when it came to watching each other’s daughters.
Natalie will remember that Katy bought her the canopy that covers her bed and protects her as she sleeps.
I will remember sitting with Katy in her sun room, talking, talking, talking.
Natalie will remember in 2nd grade, coming home to Katy’s house every day after school. And to let off some stream? She and Kimberly would roll around on the kitchen floor and scream at the top of their lungs. They loved that crazy afternoon activity.